Los Angeles Boundary Staking Services
Boundary staking services are essential for construction, fencing, and resolving property disputes.
For over 30 years, we have been providing boundary staking services to Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Contact us today for a free quote.
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Why would I need this type of service?
- You want a physical mark at the corners or along the lines to more clearly address a dispute with a neighbor.
- You want a physical mark at the corners or along the lines to memorialize your property.
- You want a physical mark at the corners or along the lines to aid in the construction of a new perimeter wall, structure or plantings.
- A city inspector wants to see physical markers at the corners or along the lines to confirm that new construction is being built within setback limits.
We will set markers at the property corners and/or along the property lines as needed.
Do you need access onto the neighbors’ properties?
Sometimes property lines or corners fall outside of existing perimeter walls and fences. In these situations we will need access onto neighboring properties to mark said lines or corners. If access is not available offset markers may be set.
Why is there a price range (instead of a fixed price)?
Price will vary based on site conditions, physical obstructions and number of markers needed.
What type of markers do you set?
The nature and quality of the ground will determine what type of markers will be set.
Will markers be set the same day the survey is conducted?
A boundary survey will need to be completed before markers can be set. We will need 1 or more additional days of field work to set markers, depending on site conditions and number of markers needed.
What information does boundary staking provide?
Boundary staking provides the exact location of a property’s boundary lines, marking the corners and edges with physical stakes or markers. It helps define property limits for construction, fencing, and legal purposes.
What’s the difference between boundary staking and a boundary survey?
A boundary survey is a detailed professional measurement and report of property lines, including legal descriptions and documentation for records. Boundary staking, on the other hand, physically marks the property lines on the ground for immediate use, such as construction or fencing, without the detailed reporting found in a survey.